About Me

  • Born and raised in Southern Massachusetts
  • Lived in Seattle, WA for ~3 years
  • Currently live in San Francisco, California
  • Have been chronically on the internet since I was 9
  • Admittedly obsessed with quality tech product, that can transform the way people go about their day-to-day lives

Things I believe

  • As humans, it may be our inherent right—or even moral obligation—to reshape the universe according to our preferences
    • Technology, which is really the application of knowledge, enables this.
    • Focus on raising the ceiling, not just the floor
  • Enthusiasm holds value!
    • It’s easier to be successful when you’re optimistic about the work your doing.
    • Energy is necessary for progress
  • It’s important to do things fast
    • You learn more per unit time because you make contact with reality more frequently
    • Going fast makes you focus on what’s important; there’s no time for bullshit
    • “Slow is fake”
    • A week is 2% of the year
    • Time is the denominator
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • You can do more than you think
    • We are tied down by invisible orthodoxy
    • The laws of physics are the only limit
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions
    • Asking good questions demonstrates you care, it demonstrates empathy, it demonstrates you’re willing to learn and, in some cases, admit you don’t know everything
  • Be cognisant of your dopamine
    • Better to get your dopamine from getting your ideas out to the world, rather than being validated by others
  • Smaller teams work better
    • Faster decisions, fewer meetings, more fun
    • No need to chop up work for political reasons
    • No room for mediocre people (can pay more, too!)
    • Large-scale engineering projects are more soluble in IQ than they appear
    • Many tech companies are 2-10x overstaffed


Technology has been a constant and influential part of my life, shaping not only my interests but my worldview.

What fascinates me most is its transformative power—the ability of technology to redefine the very fabric of society. With each breakthrough, humanity gains new tools to achieve more with less, to unlock possibilities once thought impossible.

The internet, for example, has completely altered the way we engage with one another—socially, economically, philosophically, and beyond. It has opened up avenues for innovation and reshaped entire industries.

But with each new technological advancement come critical questions: What is its true scale of impact? How do we balance its benefits and drawbacks? And how will society evolve as these technologies are integrated over time?

Witnessing these rapid advancements firsthand has deepened my desire to contribute meaningfully to the future of human progress.

At its core, I want to be part of the movement that uses technology to push the boundaries of what we can accomplish, with a mindful approach to its impact on society.